The last few months, well since February 2009, were extremely tough in regards to our economy. Not only the country's economy, but also my family's vault was slowly getting closer to the critical lower limit. It is not like we were in minus (red numbers). However, we had to adjust our spending - simple as that. A few of my previous blogs have explored that in some detail and talked about our alternative methods of saving money.
Every expense was questioned and some of the more luxurious items like Sky Movies/Sports were cancelled. We even consolidated TV, Phone and Broadband, which is something that I since regret.
Despite our best efforts, we were finding it tough to stay above the void of debt, but we were managing. Since our son was born in 2005, we had been applying for various grants to support his needs. Every application was rejected for some reason, so we had almost given up. We agreed to try one more time.
A couple of days before Christmas, we received a letter from the Revenue. It stated our household income year by year since 2005. We didn't think more of it, and filed it in the pile.
Then, on the 23rd of December, we received another letter from the Revenue Office. I opened it and could hardly believe my own eyes. A cheque was staring back at me and the blood was slowly draining from my head. I couldn't believe it. The Revenue had finally approved our application. We had received a cheque covering what they should have paid us in support since our son was born.

Just in case, I rushed to the bank and deposited the cheque immediately. Christmas was saved and we could pay off our credit card debt. You have no idea how cool that felt. The money is gone, but it went to a good cause, and we are now relaxed again.
Go for it. I'm sure there are tax reliefs out there that you are entitled to, but not informed of, so start applying.
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