This is a very short blog, so I'm sorry to disappoint my followers, but I was listening to the news yesterday morning, and I thought I misheard something. Now, for my American followers, Ireland is most likely a few days behind the actual news story, so this is probably old news.
Did they actually say that, "The Naked Cowboy"who is playing his guitar in only his briefs on Times Square, entered the race to become the next mayor of New York? Brilliant!
I quickly searched the Internet and found the news story, and behold, he had. This could only happen in New York, the city that never sleeps. And, to make things even better, his slogan was "Nobody has done more with less". Here was a politician with a sense of humour. Not like Arnie's slogan "I'll be back!" - back to do what? Sign more police motorcycles to raise money, paying for debt in California?
But, the Naked Cowboy has actually, in his defense, a degree in political science. He's educated as a minister and he holds a certificate allowing him to marry people. Why the latter, I do not know - and probably don't want to know. But, some weird couple probably asked him if he could marry them on Times Square.
Unfortunately he withdrew his name from the race to become New York's next mayor - total letdown! There was apparently too much red tape in the process - perhaps it was just a matter of the dresscode, mate?
But, you can still show him your support and you can find him on Facebook. Loads of people claim they have been inspired by him, at least according to his Facebook page. So lets hope he sticks with what he's good at - entertaining.
So, to all people hoping to visit New York, the Naked Cowboy still shows off and plays his instrument on Times Square...:-)
Regards, The Naked Writer
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